Africa Mission Trip

Jamie , Adelynn Lipe & Heather Garner, will be sharing their experience while on the mission trip to Africa during the Sunday school hour 10:15-11:15. They will share pictures, stories &  life changing experiences.



LWML will be meeting on Sept. 7 at 6 p.m. in the lower level of church. Our guest speaker for the evening is Robyn from Concordia Seminary’s food pantry. She will be accepting our donations from the church and school for the pantry. Please bring any items to the church office or church service by Sept 3 or 4. A meal will be served on Wed. the 7th before our business meeting. Please bring an item to compliment mostaccioli All Ladies are invited!!!

Community Announcement !

There will be a mobile dental clinic in Bonne Terre at Sonrise Baptist Church.
If you know someone that doesn’t have dental insurance and needs treatment please let them to know to call Julie 314-225-4034 the RPC coordinator for more information.