Service Schedule

This weekend 4/27&28  church service will be back to regular services .445 in the gym 6pm at church &  9am Worship Service and bible Class at 10:15 -This Sunday is confirmation Sunday Join us in welcoming  our new confirmands.

Pan-Cake Breakfast & Easter Egg Hunt

Join us tomorrow at St. Paul Gym for a pancake breakfast from 8-10 am. Sponsored by the men’s club proceeds go to the Youth Group going to the National Youth Gathering.  At 10am we will have an egg hunt for the children up to 3rd grade. Bake Sale and Treasure Chest going on at the same time.

St. Paul Auction..

St. Paul Auction team is gearing up for the auction May 4th. We are in  need baked goods for the silent auction.Please pick up a form and fill out what you will be donating. Forms  can be picked up at church at all services or in the office.