April Minutes 2018 Studies

Meeting Date/Time: 04/16/2018


Leslie Jones,Cathy Jarvis,Mark Jones,


Tammy DeGroot,Heather Kurtzs,Jamie Lipe


Old Business:

  • Youth Group Rewrite youth group job description.

New Business:

  • VBS- Sara B. Will not be doing the crafts this year.
    Fink - will get back with us for possible doing crafts
    Dustin- to present information to staff about helping with VBS,
    June will set up VBS need bulletin board
    Set up table at outreach events, June 15, July 13- parents can pre- register

  • VBS
    Discuss swim party
    Mens club Mark will ask them to BBQ hot dogs- Mark to ask Mr. Ruble about using the school lot.
    Cathy to call civic Center to ask about using end of parking lot.
