April Minutes 2015- Education

Meeting Date/Time: 04/21/2015


Mark Cook, Sally Sullivan-Shinn, Jennifer Schweiss, Heather Jo Hawkins, Bobbie Karraker, Mrs. Flenner



Kenny Allen, Patrick Province

Old Business:

  • Triple C-last meeting was scarcely attended; all chairs will need to be filled. Current members are seeking out enthusiastic parents to join the team.

  • safety information, principal’s performance goals-continuing progress.

  • Athletics- It has been confirmed that Mr. Joe Pritchett will act as the AD he would like to serve under the idea of restructuring the position to coordinate sub-directors for each sport.

  • Auction-Meetings are every Sunday evening for the next few weeks. Gathering included a representative from all grades, several issues are being looked into to help ease the check-out process as well as ideas for the class displays.

  • Report reviewed, currently in good standing. Several large payments are scheduled to be made in May so the balance should reflect a large decrease in the near future. Several option were discussed for staffing as well as closing current registrations for classes. A work session was requested by the board and will take place Wednesday April 22, 2015.

  • *Principal’s Report- Mrs. Flenner states registration has mostly been closed. We have good numbers for the current situation in school. A second 4th grade teacher was discussed, however nothing has been approved

New Business:

  • Set times for final interviews with applicants for Music and applicants for Food Service

  • Determine number of teachers and hours needed for next school year-

  • Determine final budget to send to Board of Finance


  • Motioned for Mr. Kenny Allen for school board- passed