May – Minutes 2019- Council

Meeting Date/Time: 05/23/2019


Doug Pratt, Tammy DeGroot



Old Business:

  • OPENING DEVOTIONS: Pastor did devotions
    Minutes revised/approved from previous month – Yes

  • I. Reports
    A. Pastor’s:
    • Will have voters meeting June 16th, 2019
    • Pastor’s vacation is June 22nd, 23rd, 29th, 30th
    • Substitute already reserved

    B. Principal:

  • C. Treasurer:
    • Little under budget, behind on Concordia Payments $66,000. Not sure how that compares to last year, possible to use auction money.
    Discussion: When Auction started it helped the school 7 years it went into the general fund. The 8th year the chairman said it stayed in the school and an Auction account was started. The 9th tear there was enough in general fund to pay teachers and said the church could borrow money form the Auction fund. The last 3 years Kraig Sutherland has had to take money to pay bills.
    • This year $34,000 was set aside for the Craig Thomas Fund
    • Each committee has a budget, not sure what we have. Marsha is going to research what we have from various accounts.
    • Have presentation and new budget to tell everyone what we have at Voters meeting
    • Eric, Marsha, Craig and Doug going to get together and determine what we have.
    • Staff budget is lighter then what we thought.
    • Katie Holtz has taken classes for called teacher. Being Certified tomorrow. We will have 3 called teachers.
    • Mike Tedder and Tracy Crites are the nominees for Board of Education.

  • A. Board of Elders:
    • Not a lot on the plate, pastor and elders are updating Church Membership.
    B. Board of Christian Studies:
    • VBS is July 28th to August 1st, 2019
    • Revising the Safe Forms, Police department has the forms
    • Elders doing Adult Bible study during VBS

  • C. Board of Christian Outreach
    D. Board of Christian Life:
    • June 9th having the Anniversary Celebrations with emphasis on married longer than 50 years.
    E. Board of Finance:
    • Members include Ron Rouggly, Craig Sutherland, Ross Gordon
    • Put hard copy of budge on bulletin board, in the Prophet Publication and online by June 16th.
    F. Board of Trustees
    G. Board of Christian Education

New Business:

  • Need agreement on Voters Assembly date of June 16th, 2019. Chairman, Vice Chairman, budget and new members of the Board of Education.
    • Motion by: Mark Jones, and 2nd Motion by Margie Tedder and passed
    • Doug will talk with Jamie about publicizing the Voters Assembly Date.
    • Officer Eric from the Farmington police department has talked with the Elders regarding the security issue at St. Paul.
    He has identified areas around the property, lighting needed and talked with St. Joe about sharing costs for safety. Redo the front entrance of church; add conduit, use push only doors, etc. Simple items to improve safety. Having people at church services concealing firearms in church. Pastor can authorize who would be permitted to carry firearms.
    Looking into replacing the front doors and such for safety. Glass doors aren’t a good choice. Use the current Church Entry fund raiser to also include safety improvements also.
