September Minutes 2015- Life

Meeting Date/Time: 09/15/2015


Nancy Krekeler, JoAnn Henderson, Mary Fitzgerald, LaRita Showers, Darlene McWilliams, Anna Garner


Marlys Brockmiller


Old Business:

  • Dessert- discussed and approved of the apple dessert Leslie and LaRita back for us to sample.
    Mary- 6 Bundt desserts
    Leslie- 6 Bundt desserts
    Nancy - 3 9x13 desserts and 1 bundt
    LaRita - 60 service of apple rings
    each of 7 present will be responsible for 120 pieces of dessert by asking other congregation members

New Business:

  • Country Store- Halloween Day- Oct. 31,2015
    set-up begins Thursday Oct. 29 at noon
    JoAnn will set poles for curtains
    Will ask High School to sell hot dogs and chili
    Women's club will make donuts & coffee
    Mary Ellen in charge of food- pies, cookies, cakes, and candies
    Anna Garner does Granny Attic
    Dorothy Blumenberg will do quilts
    Barb Ragsdale will do Christmas room
