June Minutes 2014- Church Council

Meeting Date/Time: 06/24/2014


Jeff Krekeler, Tyson Mueller, Mark Cook, Ron Rouggly, Pastor King, Kyle McDowell, Greg Stover, Carolyn Price, Eileen Jones and Steve Thomas.



Old Business:

  • Treasure report- Greg Stover
    Although we have 68,000.00 in cash reserve it will only last us through the summer. Setting up interviews in near future for financial position.

  • Pastor Report- Pastor King
    6 funerals in a month. attendance could be higher. Meeting with Pastor Kirk. New member class has 6 that will be joining the church. July 12 is confirmation for adults.

    Elders- Steve Thomas
    Met with Pastor Kirk

    Christian Education-
    A new math teacher , Justin Callahan was hired.

  • Care Process--
    Pastor King will be attending the personal skills conference in Minnesota, and will post his office hours.
    Vision Team-
    All new plans will be wrapped up on Thursday, and the presentation will be previewed as the July Council meeting.

New Business:

  • August 24th Voters Meeting at 10am in sanctuary.
