Prayer Requests

To submit a prayer request, please see the Contact Us page. Select the recipient “Prayer Request (PIE)”. Fill out the remaining fields in the form and click SUBMIT.

The St. Paul Lutheran Church prayer request program sends out prayer requests, important reminders and a weekly digest of website updates to our subscribers via e-mail. Adding you to the program will be a true blessing, your prayers are both needed and greatly appreciated.

Please contact the Church Office if you would like to be included in the email list.  Or use this online form:

Prayer Requests:

  • Prayer Request (6/12/2024) - Please pray for : Daryl Reeves he had open heart surgery and is recovering. Pray for a good recovery Vickie Gallagher she has a stroke and is not responsive. Pray for peace & Comfort
  • Prayer Request (5/28/2024) - Please pray for: Shelly Cooper who is having a Kidney transplant tomorrow.  Darlene McWilliams has been called to her heavenly home, please be praying for peace and comfort for her family and loved ones. Kyle Lotz he is in Barnes … Continue reading
  • Prayer Requests (5/28/2024) - Please be praying for Shelly Cooper who is having a Kidney transplant tomorrow. Also, Darlene McWilliams has been called back to the Lord, please be praying for peace and comfort for her family and loved ones.
  • Prayer Request (5/20/2024) - Please pray for Marilyn Burns ( Karen Detring’s Mom) she is having cataract surgery today.
  • Prayer Request (5/16/2024) - Please pray for: Ann Steele, she is in the hospital with blood clots on her lungs. Pray for healing & strength. Beau, ( Sara Bieser’s nephew) still in hospital pray for healing and continued strength for his parents Bob Thurman … Continue reading
  • Prayer Request (5/1/2024) - Please pray for: Brenda Jordan she is having surgery today. Thanksgiving for a successful surgery for Carolyn Schifferdecker and continued recovery and healing. She is in Presbyterian Manor for rehab Debbie Mast she has stage 4 breast cancer.(Kollmeyer family)
  • Prayer Request (4/24/2024) - Please pray for Carolyn Schifferdecker. She is having surgery today at Mercy South to repair broken bones in her leg. Prayers for successful surgery and rehabilitation afterwards.
  • Prayer Request (4/22/2024) - Please pray for Kyle Lotz, he is in Cox Hospital with respiratory failure and on a ventilator. Pray for healing and strength
  • Prayer Request (4/18/2024) - Please pray for : Janet Laut, she is in the hospital in Orlando Fl. with respiratory infection. Pray for healing and comfort Debbie ( Bobbi Karraker’s daughter) found a mass the size softball. Pray for healing and comfort. Pat Colyer … Continue reading
  • Prayer Request (4/17/2024) - Please pray for Pat Colyer, she is having hernia surgery tomorrow Thursday 4/18. Pray for healing and quick recovery
  • Prayer Request (4/15/2024) - Please pray for : Aaron Sekas, he will be starting cancer treatment soon.Pray for healing and continued strength. Family & Friends of Gene Forsyth, he passed away last night. Pray for peace and comfort for the family.
  • Prayer Request (4/7/2024) - Please pray for Wayne Blumenberg, he is in Parkland Hospital he is  having heart issues. He had a mild heart attack and his heart rate seems to be the issue. Pray for healing and continued strength
  • Prayer Request (4/4/2024) - Please pray for Delmar Elders, he is in the hospital in St. Gen very week and some heart issues. Pray for continued strength and healing
  • Prayer Request (4/3/2024) - Please pray for Donald Sherrill- Sharon’s son he fell off a ladder and is being transferred to a St. Louis Hospital for evaluation.
  • Prayer Request (4/2/2024) - Please pray for Donna Vogelsang’s Sister-in-law, Donna she has only 15% of her heart working. Pray for healing and continued strength
  • Prayer Request (4/2/2024) - Please pray for: Friends & family of Ruth Obermann, she went to her heavenly home yesterday. Arrangements are Friday 4/5 – Visitation 9:00am – Noon Service Noon at the Wilson Funeral Home in Fredericktown MO- Burial at St. Paul Cemetery. … Continue reading
  • Prayer Request (3/20/2024) - Please pray for Mike Runyon ( Karen Detring’s Uncle)he has esophageal cancer waiting on test and the plan.
  • Prayer Request (3/12/2024) - Please pray for comfort for the family of Jimmy Finnegan who passed away. Also, pray for the family of Greg McKinney, whose dad passed away. Both are friends of the Vogelsangs.
  • Spring Forward (3/8/2024) - Don’t forget to set your clocks forward an hour tomorrow night (3/9) .
  • Weekly News & Notes!! (3/7/2024) - Please pray for: Bobby Miller ( Lillie Cooper’s Brother) he is having several medical issues and will be getting a hip replacement. Speedy Recovery for Doug Pratt