July Minutes 2014- Church Council

Meeting Date/Time: 09/29/2014


Tyson Mueller, Mark Cook, Ron Rouggly, Pastor King, Kyle McDowell, Greg Stover, Carolyn Price, Eileen Jones and Steve Thomas, Jamie LIpe, Todd Smith, Stephanie Braswell,


Kyle McDowell, Jeff Krekeler


Old Business:

  • Pastor Report- Pastor King reported that VBS was nice and fun filled. Had a good time on his vacation although he had to return mid-week for the Lori Nelson's funeral. He is going to preach at a new church building for his prior congregation in Channohan, Ill

    Treasures Report- Ron Rouggly reported that income is down. Discussed paying Marlene Bockmiller for the policy manual

  • Elders- Steve Thomas reported new confirmands that joined the congregation: Marcus & Tracy Laut, Issac Patty, Brandy Hahn, Wendy Sabastion -Peck, Stephan Peck Jr and Jenna Windsor. There will be Elder Training retreat Aug. 22-23 th with Pastor Hagan.

    Christian Studies- Eileen Jones reported that VBS was well attended and kids had a good time.
    Trustees- Todd Smith reported that the organ is coming down for repair. Will be out 6-8 weks.

  • Survey of 4:45 attendees about switching to Sunday: 30 no and 10yes.
    Discussion of picnic upcoming on September 20, 2014

New Business:

  • Nominating Committee headed by Tyson Mueller needs one member from each board to assist replacing members whose tern is expiring. Council will have slated of officers at the November meeting, Dec 18th the Congregation will have opportunity to vote to approve the slate of officers and they will be installed the first Sunday in January 2015.
