October Minute 2014-Christian Studies

Meeting Date/Time: 10/21/2014


Eileen Jones, Heather Kurtz, Cathy Jatvis, Kim Weakley,Heaven Mueller,Miriam Sutherland


Leslie Jones, Hunter Weakley


Old Business:

  • Thank You letter from Pastor King & Tanya Thomas & Keeley Williamson was read to the board for the Bible Character game at church picnic.

  • Background checks Heaven has been checking and has a blanket policy .
    Has worked with Mrs Flenner and Synod

New Business:

  • Sunday School - Miriam said pre-school is going well Lesson may be a little too much for pre-school.

  • Kim said Dr. Roberts and Mrs. Folk doing great with team teaching.
    Proctors are doing well with crafts
    Having a little problems with with keeping kids in opening after they have eaten.
    Attendance varies 20-30 per week. ( High School 6-7 per week)
    Suggested to list in pilgrim when teachers start new series in adult classes and list where each group meets.

  • Youth Group- some problems with attendance.
    The 4 leaders will be having a meeting and organizing who will be in charge of the different activities.
    Work on scheduling and planning events for 12 mnths.
    Movie night had more 5th graders than youth group members.
    Movie night out was a success and fun.
    Discussed how hard it is to get High School kids to attend partly because of this age group and the activities and schedule.
    Suggest that members responsibility be giving to encourage ownership and responsibility. Is transportation a problem ?

  • VBS- Heaven will consider more and we will discus more at next meeting. Board will provide her more backing.
    Sunday School- Christmas party need someone in charge.
    Sunday before Christmas, Dec 21,2014 It was mentioned to ask Mrs Fink would require some practice time. Heather will contact Mrs. Fink ask her do this .
