October Minute 2014-Elders

Meeting Date/Time: 10/20/2014


Pastor King, Mike Kurtz, Ceth Jordan, Gary Cooper, Jason Garner, Tony Mengwasser


Richard Detring, Derrick Eaves, Mike Eaves, Steve Thomas, Doug Pratt, Marcus Bader


Old Business:

  • Pastor Report- check into minutes - Pastor Kirks update.
    Pastor King to go to volleyball
    Conference report
    Care Process - Jeff is getting the team together.
    Restructuring - process without using the alphabet system.
    Visitation * Pastoral Care * Bereavement * Retention / Activation

  • Discuss New Elders and the need.

New Business:

  • Outreach / Mission / Christian / Parrish Education / Hospitality & Relations / Member care

  • Spoke of elders sitting in on the various care process areas.( see above)
    Focus on spiritual need of the church
    Voted to eliminate the alphabet system for Elders
    Spoke of just having elders
    December meeting agenda restructuring


  • Sacred Sounds of Christmas Concert to be held on Dec 21st at 7pm- passed

  • Nominated for district President and Vice President :
    President - Rev. Lee Hagan
    Vice President- Rev William Marler
    Counselor - Rev Charlie Hendrickson