Meeting Date/Time: 03/15/2016
Nancy Krekeler, Anna Garner, Darlene McWilliams,Joann Henderson, Sharon Sherrill, Margie Tedder,Larita Showers,
Mary Fitzgerald,Marlys Brockmiller
Old Business:
reviewed information shared for the handbook
Baked sale discussed for Easter week-end baked goods and workers needed.
Easter breakfast discussed - set up and clean up
Copies of letter from Rev. Larry LaDassr were passed on the elders regarding cleaning up member rolls
New Business:
Saturday April 2, LWML rally we are hostesses. Set up discussed
Sharon Sherrill volunteered to bringdonuts, Darlene McWilliams volunteered pastires. Joann Henderson reviewed the menuConfirmation breakfast discussed... Pastor Foss said confirmation April 24th 2016
Discussed and review Friday evening practice with families, maybe provide food triple c sheet cake..Auction - Silent auction items needed- especially backed goods.
Elders requested sending cards for birthday , anniversary of baptisms- awaiting further information
Video of what the board does requested by Church Council.
we suggested Sharon Sherrill be the spokes person- discussed as to what we want to say.
our by-laws, using paint a,d,e,and f- sat what we would wish to communicate