Week-end Service 12/18-19

There will not be the 445 service Saturday 12/18, All are invited to the 6pm Saturday 12/18 or the 9am Sunday 12/19 service featuring the choir Christmas Cantata. There will be features of our regular service as well, including Holy Communion, Sunday School and Bible class as normal.

Advent Service 12/15/2021

“This Night Alight!:  Advent Worship Under God’s Stars”
Please join us for Wednesday Advent services, December 15, 11:00 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. The last  services in this series invites us to focus on a different heavenly STAR described in the Bible.A five-pointed Christmas star leads us, as it led the wise men, to the Word of God, fulfilled in him who is the Living Word, the Word made flesh.

5:30-6:30 – Soup & Sandwiches Supper The Youth Group Sponsored –