Drive Inn Style Service.

This week 4/26/2020 Worship service will be Drive-Inn Style at St. Paul Lutheran High School’s parking lot. We will have two services starting at 9:00am & 10:30am. 90.5 FM station will be used. The order of service will be sent out through P.I.E to follow along with the service. The sermon will also be posted on Facebook later in the day.

How to use the Good Friday Outline..

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Crucified Savior, Jesus Christ!  We are making available to you the order of service we were going to use in our Good Friday Tenebrae service.  Perhaps you could use this as a devotional resource, as it contains the account of our Lord’s passion as compiled from the four Gospels.  There are various ways you could use the written service:
1)  Read it on your own devotionally.
2)  Go through it it together with your family members, with one or more individuals reading the texts out loud.  If you have seven candles, you may even want to extinguish them one by one at the points indicated in the service.
3)  Use the service to read silently along as Pastor Constien reads the texts on a video that will be posted on our Facebook page.
Pastor’s Good Friday sermon will be posted in a separate video on our Facebook page.
God keep you in His loving care for the sake of our Redeemer, who gave Himself unto death on a cross that we might have everlasting life!

Easter Service !!!

Greetings in the name our our Savior and King, Jesus Christ!

St. Paul will be having “parking lot services” at 7 am and 9 am Easter Sunday, at St. Paul Lutheran High School! We will all have to stay in our cars and observe social distancing guidelines. Unfortunately, due to safety protocols, there will be no communion, and no printed orders of services will be distributed (although we will post the written service and can print one at home if you like). We will try to have video of the service online as well. Please exercise your best judgment and do not attend if you are in a health risk category. Hope to see many of you at the St Paul High School parking lot this Sunday! Happy Easter!