Meeting Date/Time: 03/08/2016
Scott Lix, Gary Cooper, Steve Thomas, Dan Fitzgerald, Tim Crites, Richard Detring
Pastor Foss, Mike Eaves
Danny Best, Ceth Jordan,Mike Kurtz,Doug Pratt
Old Business:
Opened with Bible Study and approved minutes from February
New Business:
Elder Interest areas:
Christian Outreach offered to help Elders with Hospitality and Relationship building
Gary Cooper met with Christian Life to get ideas (i.e. individual Baptism Dates recognition) to improve Milestone Ministry
Pastor made recommendation to improve/enhance shut-in ministry by spitting up Elders in groups to increase relationships/needs with shut-ins.
Elders who are available will meet as a group at Doug Pratt’s house. Date and Time to be determined.Greg Shinn met with Elders to give an update on the building fund issues to-date. Will need to form an expeditious plan to Lien holder with direction of a pledge campaign (internal or 3rd party?) and long term commitments for servicing building loan.
Two Elders (Mike Eaves, Tim Crites) and Board of Education (Names?) to meet ASAP to discuss better methods of communication and plans going forward between church and school.
Elders (Mike Eaves, Tim Crites) to assist with Pastor and School Principal on RIF (Reduction-In-Force) policies. Date to be determined between individual schedules.
Pastor requested that all available Elders be available the evening of April 22nd to meet with the Confirmation class and Parents/Sponsors.
Pastor mentioned that the Confirmation class of 2016 will be doing a 90 question review prior to April 22nd to ensure that the class is completely understanding of Confirmation.
In addition Pastor will be requiring that parents be involved in the process of confirmation. Details/level of involvement have yet to be determinedSometime after Easter Pastor mentioned that he and his wife will be on “baby watch” as they happily await the birth of their new grand baby. Not sure of the exact time or date, but as they get closer he will know more.
Elders voted and approved to formalize existing service times: Saturday 4:45; 6:00pm and Sunday 9:00am.