Feb-2014 Minute Church Council

Meeting Date/Time: 02/25/2014


Pastor King, Jeff Krekeler, Justin Roberts, Ron Rouggly, Eileen Jones, Lori Flenner, Jaime Lipe, Carolyn Price, Mark Cook, Bethany Sherrill, Renee Schaupert.


Todd Smith


Old Business:

  • Care Process Update – Still waiting on potential mentors for Pastor.

  • Job Description and Accountability – Personnel Manual - Working with Marlene Brockmiller to write new policy and procedure for staff and administrative responsibilities

  • Congregational – by March 31st, 2014 we need to identify a stewardship coordinator. Greg Shinn volunteered for this last year and is still interested. It had been voted on already so it still stands. We also will be using the program called Consecrated Stewards with Gene Wyssmann leading. Will cost the congregation around $1,500.

  • Develop Vision Plan – Pastor Steward Brassie with the District Office will be helping us. There will be no expense for us. Paid for by our faithful giving to the district. Vision Team – 12-14 people of varying demographics of the church. 3-6 month process. First session will be March 11th in the lower level. Will also work on in reach, outreach, lay leaders and decision making process.

  • Budget Recommendations – Please return as quickly as possible.

  • Sausage Dinner – still no date. Pastor and Jon Cozean visited on in Arnold.

  • Operational Handbook – Hope to have some resources available to help make it easier.

New Business:

  • Congregational /Voter Meeting Dates
    2nd Quarter Meeting –Budget Approval – Monday, April 28th 7:00 p.m. Commons
    3rd Quarter Meeting – Sunday, August 24th after 10:30 service
    4th Quarter Meeting - Sunday, November 16th after 10:30 service

  • Church Picnic – Chairperson needs to talk to their board about their area of ministry and what it means to the Church Picnic. What is your idea of the Church Picnic?

  • Church Guidebook & Directory – Possibility of bringing it in house. Mark Cook made a motion to bring it in house next year and Justin Roberts seconded and motion passed.


  • Motion was made and passed.