January Minutes 2015- Church council

Meeting Date/Time: 01/27/2015


Heather Kurtz, Jason Garner, Greg Shinn, Steve Thomas, Greg Stover, Pastor King, Jerry Hoeflein, Mary Fitzgerald, Lori Flenner, Jeff Krekeler, Marlene Brockmiller



Old Business:

  • Pastor King gave the Pastors Report. Average attendance is up to 350. In 2014 there were 10 Baptisms, 6 Weddings, and 17 Funerals. Current membership is 1167. Ash Wednesday starts Lent on February 18, 2015.
    Mrs. Flenner gave the Principals Report. There have been no cuts in staff for the year; there may be movement depending on need amongst grade levels. School is saving money using the Smart Tuition to collect tuition but will save even more after the switch to Fast Direct for next school year.
    Greg Shinn gave the Treasurers Report. We need more money. Gift to endowment of $20,000 from Estates of Vernon and Helen Giessing.
    Board of Trustees reported by Jason Garner. Motion to have the lettering removed from the church van.
    Jim Borders and Todd Smith are working to refinish the church pews and other woodwork at church. Trustees are researching a railing for the balcony.
    Joe Pritchett refinished the floor in the sacristy.
    Guide One (insurance co) requires the electricity updated in old parsonage.

  • Board of Education may need to realign the 4th grade next year and have 2 classes

New Business:

  • Stewardship is working on getting a chairman.
    Volunteer Policy was distributed, any comments text to Heather Kurtz.

  • Greg Shinn motioned to form a St Paul Foundation. Foundation would support the school. Will be a 501c3 organization.
    7 board members, 4 from St Paul and 3 from non-member school families will be presented to voters at next opportunity.

  • Jeff Krekeler suggested First quarter Voters Meeting
    February 22, 2015.Budget Voters Meeting
    May 31, 2015
    Other 2015 Voters Meeting will be August 23 and November 15.

  • Steve Thomas and the Board of Elders requested that their monthly meeting be held on second Tuesday of the month so as to free up elders to visit other boards on the third Tuesday.
    Jeff Krekeler brought several organizational models to council for discussion.
    Steve Thomas motioned to propose Policy Based Governance Model to the congregation.


  • Motion to have the lettering removed from the church van. did not pass.

  • Motion for foundation - passed

  • motion for the meeting date- passed

  • motion propose Policy Based Governance Model to the congregation. -passed