January Minutes 2015- Studies

Meeting Date/Time: 01/20/2015


Heather Kurtz, Miriam Sutherland, Kim Weakley, Leslie Jones, Heaven Mueller, Cathy Jarvis,


Eileen Jones, Hunter Weakley


Old Business:

  • Leslie read a copy of a letter to the teachers asking for help with VBS. Discussion followed. Heather will figure out a date for VBS that will work for everyione revised version of the letter will be given to teachers and possible a member of this board will attend an "early out' teacher meeting.

New Business:

  • Heaven will not be able to be in charge of VBS this year.
    Heaven passed out a copy of a potential "St. Paul Child protection Policy" She talked about what she found out from other school about their policies , discussed followed about the background check forms. Heather will present the policy to church council in January so that we can move forward.
    Heaven brought the past VBS material and information to be stored at school for a future coordinator.

  • The board will meet at Kimberly Weakley on 2/6/15 at 6:00 the Protection policy will be discussed
    Kimberly gave a Sunday School report. Crafts are being created week by week.
    Heather didn't have anything to report on youth group.
