May Minutes 2014- Church Council

Meeting Date/Time: 05/27/2014


Jeff Krekeler,Lori Flenner, Renee Schaupert, Mark Cook, Greg Stover, Jamie Lipe, Steve Thomas, Kyle McDowell, Carolyn Price, Eileen Jones



Old Business:

  • Principal Report
    School hired a 5-6 grade Language arts teacher Patrica Kerns
    30 Days of prayers before school starts in the fall 7-14 - 8-12
    Teacher attending a conference on 8/6 about Witnessing your Faith

  • Treasures Report - Greg Stover
    Numbers are down
    Borrowed from special gift account
    Renee Schaupert is leaving to take a full time position. Friday 5/30 last day

  • Christian Life
    Board would like to work with elders on visitation.
    Would like to see shut-in get communion at least once a quarter with a goal of once a month.

  • Outreach
    Armed Forces evening was a success.
    There will be 445 services on country days Saturday.
    Services in the park on Sunday
    Suggested mission projects for Church /School.

  • Finance
    Working to replace Renee Schaupert

  • Education
    Working to replace Mrs. Johnson and hire a math teacher.
    Stacy Pinkley has taken the part time position of computer Ed for grades 2-6

New Business:

  • Church Picnic
    Co-chairs Tanya Thomas and Keeley Williamson
    Moved to Saturday Night Sept. 20,2014
    Activities for all age groups. Worship, Food, Fellowship, Games, Activities and a concert

  • Care Process
    Pastor King is meeting with Pastor Kirk
    Stewardship Program is ready to launch
    Strategic Planning Goals are attached.
    Ambitious and will be achieved by teams of people


  • Motion to accept Job Description of the Financial Clerk - passed