May Minutes 2017 Studies

Meeting Date/Time: 05/22/2017


Heather Kurtzs, Leslie Jones,


Mark Jones,Eileen Jones, Cathy Jarvis


Sara Bieser, Mrs. Tucker, Sarah Folk

Old Business:

New Business:

  • VBS- Leslie & Heather will do snacks together.
    Heather will compile VBS letter to go home w-grades
    Sarah Folk - Bible story time
    Sara Bieser- Craft and games( ordering color your own frisbee)
    4 stations instead of 5 ( bible challenge might be in snack time)
    5:30-8 time frame
    No leaflets- Carboaner, crown of victory charms
    Arch Books - Leslie will write a Thrivient grant to purchase 20 sets & pamphlets $2.50 each Student. 249.00

  • Mission - Rocky Creek Ranch- Leslie wil get a needs list to go home the first evening
    Schedule- Heather to get new schedule to teachers
    Craft Needs- we may need to send a needs list to church members
