Minutes- Voters Meeting -April 2014

Meeting Date/Time: 04/28/2014


Jeff Krekeler, Tyson Mueller, Pastor KIng, Lori Flenner, Jamie LIpe, Greg Stover, Renee Schaupert, Mike Eaves, Steve Thomas,Todd Smith, Brian Kocher,Janet Laut, Nancy Krekeler, Maryls Brockmiller, Julie Powers,Bethany Sherrill, Anna Garner, Mark Jones, Eileen Jones,Scott Lix,Ralph Ogden, John Thomas,Carolyn Price,



Ken Kelly, Linda Kelly, Mike Kurtz,, Nancy Eaves,Pam Ross, Dan Storz

Old Business:

New Business:

  • CARE Process Update
    Pastor David Muench presented the results and recommendations
    from the CARE Process to the congregation at the Voter’s Meeting
    on February 16, 2014 and the voters approved the plan to go

  • Senior Pastor James King and Congregation President Jeff
    Krekeler are pleased to report that we are on task and on target
    with all of the recommendations and deadlines.

  • Pastor King selected Pastor Jim Kirk as his mentor. The
    mentoring process officially started on April 24th when the two
    pastors met for the first session.

  • The congregation was tasked with identifying a Stewardship
    program and leader. Greg Shinn will be leading us in the LCEF’s
    program, The Consecrated Steward. The program will launch no later than September 30, 2014.

  • Rev. Dr. Stuart Brassie was appointed to lead SPLC&S in strategic
    planning for the future of our mission and ministry. He assembled
    the 16 member Vision Team representing a cross section of the
    congregation plus ex-officio members, Pastor King, Lori Flenner
    and Andy Sherrill. As of this printing the Vision Team has met six
    times and expects to have the action plan finished by the end of
    June, 2014.

  • The 2014-15 church year budget contains nominal raises for the staff and
    teachers and funding for St. Paul’s various ministries.
    The base salary for a first year school teacher at St. Paul is
    $23,500 (raised from $23,000) which is $7,500 below the
    District recommendation of $31,000 per year. Due to this
    gap in starting teacher compensation, no Synod University or
    college will send candidates to St. Paul for calls. God has
    blessed us with qualified, Christian teachers to serve our
    mission but this is an ongoing consideration that deserves
    our thought and prayer.
    The congregation voted in faith (31-3) to approve the budget
    despite the $83,000 gap in anticipated revenue and
    expense. We will launch a stewardship campaign this year,
    the Lutheran Church Extension Fund’s The Consecrated
    Steward to renew our faithfulness in building God’s Kingdom
    through our time, talent and treasure.
