November Minutes 2014-Church Council

Meeting Date/Time: 11/24/2014


Greg Stover, Greg Shinn, Heather Kurtz, Todd Smith, Pastor King, Heather Hawkins, Steve Thomas, Mark Cook, Jerry Hoeflein, Mary Fitzgerald, Lori Flenner, Jeff Krekeler and Eileen Jones in attendance.



Old Business:

  • Pastor King gave the Pastors Report. Elders are being reorganized into Ministry Areas instead of by alphabet. Advent Services on Wednesdays at 9 am and 7 pm. School Christmas programs coming up. Intentionally praying for Ferguson.

  • Mrs Flenner gave the Principals Report. Lions had a Peace poster contest, Congratulations to Sophia Speth who took First, Rebecka King and Paige Ames who had second and third respectively. The August 2015 school start date lines up with the Farmington School District. Mrs Easly and Mrs Labryere are both recovering. Accepting bids for lunch cafeteria service.

New Business:

  • Greg Shinn gave the Treasurers Report. $14,000 in last weekends offering. Got the scholarship from the Auction Committee of $19,000. Need $75,000 by December 10. Like to do pledges for next six months. Investigating setting up ACH for school support. Solicting donations outside of St Paul Church. Need to avoid borrowing from the special accounts.
    *Greg Stover motioned to move Building Fund Account to Ozark Federal for ease of mortgage payment. -motion passed.
    Todd Smith motioned to have Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary of the Congregation be signers on the church checking accounts and remove all existing signers from the church accounts and all existing signers on school accounts except Tami Propst. motion passed Currently these officers are Chairman Jeffrey W Krekeler, Vice Chairman Gerald E. Hoeflein, Treasurer Gregory L. Shinn and Secretary Eileen G Jones.*

  • Board of Christian Outreach, Kyle McDowell resigned as chairman.

  • CARE Process continues. Currently working on visitation accountability. Roll out Stewardship in first quarter.

  • Goverance Change meeting January 17 from 8am to 3pm. Covering expectations and accountability of the Pastoral Office and Leadership Committee. Including a general flow chart.


  • Steve Thomas motion to approve the submitted Support Staff Manual. motion passed.

  • Steve Thomas motion to create a volunteer position of Office Administrator until July 1. motion passed.