Meeting Date/Time: 01/19/2016
Sally Shinn, Heather Jo Hawkins, Mr. Giesselmann,Jennifer Schweiss, Barbara Karraker,
Seth Pergram, Bethany Petty, Elizabeth Jordan
Old Business:
Triple C - Report
New officers needed
1. All Triple C officers are stepping down after this
school year. They have exceeded the 2 year term.
2. Father/Daughter dance will be February 12
3. Triple C hopes to purchase 60 Chromebooks and
Chromebook cartAthletics Report
A. From Mr. Joe
1. Add the following to Athletic Handbook
a) If students play on St. Paul Sports teams,
they cannot miss a St. Paul practice to go to
an outside practice.
b) Students must maintain a ‘C’ average to
play on sports teams. In addition to their ‘C’
average, students must be passing their
Religion class in order to maintain
c) Athletic department would like to donate to
the Church operating fund in the amount of
$500Faculty Input
A. Board members received a letter from Mrs. Bieser in
which she addressed specific concerns relating to the
Lutheran component of our school, member tuition
discounts, and the 7:50 school start time.1. Conclusions
a) The Board discussed a variety of options
relating to receiving/being eligible for
member tuition discount.
b) Goal - working with Elders and Pastor Rick,
we will clearly define and then
communicate requirements for receiving
membership tuition rate, specifically
focusing on attending and giving freely of
time, talents, and treasures to St. Paul
Lutheran Church.
New Business:
School Operating Budget
A. Balances are good for the month of January
**Cinnamon and Dinner Roll fundraiser was a HUGE hit! $500
profit will be donated to the Building Fund**Principal’s Report
A. Enrollment packs for 2016-2017 school year are ready
and will be mailed Friday, January 22.
B. Member enrollment scheduled for February 6 at 9:00
C. Calendar
1. First day is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday,
August 17
D.Foundation/Budget Meetings
1. Largely positive
2. Parents were thankful to receive both
Foundation and financial information.
E. Admission policy
F. Call Process
1. Congregation will vote to extend a call to Mr.
Bangert on Sunday, January 24.
2. The Board discussed various items associated
with the call process, such as housing
allowances, health insurance, vacation time, and
help with movingExecutive Session
Motion for Athletic was made- passed