January Minute 2016 – Christian Life

Meeting Date/Time: 01/26/2016


Nancy Krekeler, Anna Garner, Darlene McWilliams,Joann Henderson, Sharon Sherrill, Mary Fitzgerald


Margie Tedder, Larita Showers, Marlys Brockmille


Old Business:

  • report of 200.00 taken from our budgeted committee report upon executive decision -$100.00 walmart for christmas baskets. $100.00 for the purchase of gift cards for Pastor Schroeder's farewell brunch.

  • review by-laws and discussed , suggestion & corrections

New Business:

  • Valentine Brunch on February 14,2016 discussed and permission requested of church council. Couples married 50 plus years will be honored.

  • Supper of soup and sandwiches during Lent discussed
    there will be 7 services for groups to sponsor.

  • Memorial service this year will be All Saints Day Sunday November6, 2016 as part of worship service.
