Come and Worship With Us and Celebrate Armed Forces Day Saturday, May 17

Come and Worship With Us and Celebrate

Armed Forces Day
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Rejoice 4:45 * St. Paul Lutheran Church
(4:45 p.m. service in the school gym at the corner of Columbia & Carleton Streets in Farmington – come early for fellowship before the service)
Patriotic Service Honoring Our Active & Retired Military Men & Women 3rd, 4th & 5th grade school children singing patriotic songs
Boy Scouts presenting the flag
Pledge of Allegiance (US & Christian flags)
Flags for all the children attending the service
Video presentation of congregation members who have served in the military -Patriotic worship music
Wear your red, white and/or blue
Stay for Fellowship & Food After the Service!
Sub sandwiches provided – Bring your own drink and a side dish to share (or your own picnic dinner)
Brief program after church will feature military personnel speakers sharing some of their stories. Stay and visit with the people who serve and protect and keep our country free: One Nation Under God.
Sub sandwiches provided – Bring your own drink and a side dish to share (or your own picnic dinner)
Brief program after church will feature military personnel speakers sharing some of their stories. Stay and visit with the people who serve and protect and keep our country free: One Nation Under God.