LWML- Meeting

LWML Wednesday May 5, at 6:30. Lower level of the church. Danielle Boggs is the guest speaker from the Overflow Cakery. She provides funds to dig new wells in other countries. Please bring your own snack and drink. Invite a friend to join you at the meeting.

Birthday Blessings !!

Let’s shower Gary Eller with cards for his 70th birthday on April 29th  It’s easy—all you have to do is find and sign a card and drop it in the mail this week.  Send the cards to:
Cedarhurst of Farmington
200 Maple Valley Dr.Apt. 9
Farmington, MO 63640

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Nell Toti (Mark Toti’s mom) she was put on hospice over the weekend. Pray for peace and comfort for Nell and the family
Jimmy Koetting(Tami’s brother in law) he had open heart surgery on Friday. Please pray for healing and a quick recovery