Prayer Request

Please pray for:

  • Shelly Cooper who is having a Kidney transplant tomorrow.
  •  Darlene McWilliams has been called to her heavenly home, please be praying for peace and comfort for her family and loved ones.
  • Kyle Lotz he is in Barnes Hospital intubated and a paralytic drip. Pray for healing and continued strength
  • Ann Steele she works in the school cafeteria, she has a mass on her lung. She will have a biopsy tomorrow to see what it is and for a plan of action.
  • Jerry Chamberlain is in Barnes hospital, he is  having heart issues he  will have a procedure and  medication. pray for healing and continued strength

Prayer Requests

Please be praying for Shelly Cooper who is having a Kidney transplant tomorrow.

Also, Darlene McWilliams has been called back to the Lord, please be praying for peace and comfort for her family and loved ones.

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Ann Steele, she is in the hospital with blood clots on her lungs. Pray for healing & strength.
Beau, ( Sara Bieser’s nephew) still in hospital pray for healing and continued strength for his parents
Bob Thurman he will have some of his thyroid removed on Wednesday. Pray for a successful surgery and quick recovery

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Brenda Jordan she is having surgery today.
Thanksgiving for a successful surgery for Carolyn Schifferdecker and continued recovery and healing. She is in Presbyterian Manor for rehab
Debbie Mast she has stage 4 breast cancer.(Kollmeyer family)

Prayer Request

Please pray for :
Janet Laut, she is in the hospital in Orlando Fl. with respiratory infection. Pray for healing and comfort
Debbie ( Bobbi Karraker’s daughter) found a mass the size softball. Pray for healing and comfort.
Pat Colyer is having surgery this morning. Pray for healing and a quick recovery