Prayer Request

Please pray for :
Bonnie Ratcliff, she fell yesterday and broke her wrist and has stitches in her face and broke her glasses. She is home. Pray for comfort and healing
Carolyn Schifferdecker, home recovering after back surgery. Pray for comfort and healing

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Adeline Kocher ( Brian & Velma’s 6 yr great niece) she is in Children’s Hospital she has septic arthritis in her hip she had to have surgery and will be in the hospital 3-4 days. pray for healing and quick recovery.
Laura Murray continue to pray for healing and a quick recovery after surgery.
Marlys Brockmillers surgeons consolation today & healing

Prayer Request

  • Please pray for:
    Nancy Middleton, she is having a heart surgery Thursday at Mo Bapt. She will spending several days in the hospital. Pray for a successful procedure and a quick recovery.
    Laura Murray she is in Mo Bapt hospital. Pray for healing

Prayer & Praise !!

Please pray for :
Clara Murray for healing from knee surgery and for pain relief
Stacy Dickinson and family with the passing of her Grandmother
Tucker Bieser have a lip revision and ear tubes today

Thanks be to God for a successful procedure and thanks be to our dear friends for and church family for all the prayers. May your prayers continue for complete and full recovery Kim & Ruth Ann Kollmeyer!
Nancy Middleton’s procedure was a success