Prayer Request

Pleas pray for:
Ron Nelson ( Don Nelson’s son) he is still in the hospital and having trouble breathing.
Tami Propst & family her Grandpa did pass away
Evonne (Jamie’s sister) hospital with intestinal issue

Prayer Request

Please pray for :

1.Jackson Wood 3yrs old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia currently in hospital having treatments – friend of the Kohuts.
2.Terry Lynn ( Dan Blankenship fr.) Brain & lung cancer.
3.Delmar Elders in the hospital
4.Walter Neiter in the hospital
5.Ron Nelson in the hospital
6.Darlene McWilliams cancer treatment
7.Tami Propst’s grandfather – Angelo Staikos, pray for peace & comfort
8.Elisabeth Constien’s father, is in the  hospital after a fall

Prayer Request

Please pray for;

RuthAnn Kollmeyer, she had a heart procedure this morning and is doing well thanks to  God for good results.
Susan Pratt having skin cancer removed tomorrow, pray for good results and healing