Prayer Request

Please pray for:

  • Caroline McClanahan, she is getting married this weekend. Blessing on her special day!
    Becky Durbin (SPLHS family ) she has stage 4 esophageal cancer. Pray for healing and strength

Prayer Request

Please pray for :
Chris Bolius (Karen Detrings Cousin) diagnosed with advance cancer and will see an oncologist this week to get options.
Sharon Kay Berry, complications with cancer treatments .
Bev Crocker (Karen’s cousin in Texas) her husband Bobby Crocker passed away.

Praise and Thanksgiving:
Thank you for all who prayed for Marilyn Burns (Karen Detring’s Mother) She is doing much better and is home with a pacemaker and defibrillator. She is getting stronger everyday. Praise God for the answered prayers..

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Titan Thomas he is in St Louis this morning having a heart procedure.
Marilyn Burns is having her pacemaker defibrillator put in this morning.
Wayne Cook is still in the hospital and is improving
Pray for healing, continued strength and a speedy recovery

Prayer Request

Please continue to pray for Marilyn Burn (Karen Detring’s Mom) she is improving each day. She will have a pacemaker defibrillator put in on Monday 1/22 at Mo Baptist. Please pray for healing and continued strength.