Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Bo Huhman, his surgery went well,  and now he is being weened off the vent & in recovery.
Ruth Simmons’ mother passed away and will be sent to Michigan for funeral. Please keep Ruth and her brother Robert in you prayers at this time.

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Jerry Chamberlain, Tami’s Dad he is at the hospital with irregular heart rate &
MaryAnn Propst, Tami’s mother in law she is back at the hospital, both are waiting for rooms to be admitted. Pray for healing and comfort

Prayer Request

Mildred Wiley passed away yesterday. Please keep her family in your prayers. Arrangements are pending.

Please pray for Hunter Dunn, friend of Janet Laut. He is sixteen years old and has an eye disease.


Prayer Request

Prayer Request  update on Bo’s condition. He was able to leave the hospital but must stay in Boston.  He will have a pre cath on the 22nd, cath on the 23rd, and surgery on the 28th of this month. Please pray that all continues to go well with Bo these next few weeks and he can have his surgery as planned.