Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Sarah Denos( Leslie Jones 46 year old cousin) she is suffering from Covid. She has double pneumonia. She is in St. Luke’s hospital.
Jerry Chamberlain ( Tami’s dad ) he has covid and pneumonia.

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Loretta Smith & family with the passing of her father Orin Kaden .

Trevor Stegall ( Susan Faenger’s grandson) is having surgery to remove his appendix    at noon today.

Cindy Sebastian she is very sick with intestinal infection, she is in Missouri Baptist   Hospital

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Cindy Sebastian she is very sick with intestinal infection. Pray that the Dr. figure out how to ease her pain and discomfort and for healing
Bill Katzung(Donna Vogelsang brother) he has covid

Work Day

Work day at Darrell Hill’s house this Saturday, Oct. 9th at 8am at 2020 Sherwood Ct Farmington. If you are able to help or need more information, contact Kim or Tim Kollmeyer.

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Karen Detring having surgery this morning
Callan Montgomery delivering baby today
Bieser family the birth of baby boy Bieser
Emily Laramore (school family) hospital in Springfield with heart issues.

Prayer Request

Please pray for Tammy DeGroot’s Nieces:
Kris Schneiderwind she has pancreatic cancer
Karol Bicks’s 22 year o;d son died of unknown heart condition
Karon Reese has metastatic breast cancer