Prayer Request

Please continue to  pray for:
Janet Laut, Don Nelson & Eileen Jones, they have tested positive for Covid 19.
Pam Ross for continued strength and healing
Richard Detring going to Dr appointment today pray  for continued strength and healing
Jeannie Province &  family for peace & comfort

Prayer Request

Please pray for Pam Ross. Last night she had what appears to be a TIA (A transient ischaemic attack (TIA) or “mini stroke” caused by a temporary disruption in the blood supply to part of the brain). She is in Parkland Health Center waiting on MRI for more info. Will know more today, but she could sure use some healing. Things “aren’t right” right now. She was still able to smile last night and her Covid test was negative, so there are bright spots in this. Now to keep her safe while she is in the hospital.