Prayer Request

Please pray for Nancy Fink. She is in the hospital for treatment for COVID-19. Hoping to only be in for 2-3 days. Also, keep Jeff Fink in your prayers as he is at home recovering from COVID-19.

Please continue to pray for all who are affected by this virus.

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Phyllis Kluver admitted to Parkland hospital waiting on covid test,. having issues with breathing and low sugar.
Reegan Donahue 6 year old brain tumor (fr. Karen Detring in Kentucky) surgery on Nov 12
Kenny Yow(Sandra Inman’s Dad) recovering well from the effects of a stroke and a fall.



Wayne Blumenberg his surgery went well he is recovering at home.
Sandra ( Jamie’s fr.) still in hospital on ventilator with covid
Rick Crabb ( Barb Grenn’s in law) still in hospital on ventilator with covid
Family of Betty Cook she was called to her heavenly home last night. Services pending

Norman Smith  (Karen  fr.) still in the hospital  back on dialysis                                         Sue Wooten (Karen  fr.) diagnosed with cancer and recovering from surgery  waiting to do several more tests

Prayer Requests

Please pray for Betty Cook as her health is declining and for comfort for her family.

Also, pray for Mrs. Lee(Keown) as her sister, Sharon’s, health is declining. Please pray for comfort for her and her family.