Prayer Request

Please Pray for:
Jane Steffens ( Fr. Sharon Bacon) She has a brain tumor and undergoing treatment. Pray for healing and continued strength
Ali Braun (fr. Crystal Dement) pregnancy difficulty
Southbrook skilled Nursing  facility- residents and staff .

Please pray for Betty ( Marcia Buckley’s aunt)  she has taken a turn for the worse and they are now  keeping  her comfortable and have let her children come in to see her.

Prayer Request

Please pray for :
Russ MacBride friend of Tami Propst he is in ICU at Mo Bap.Covid pneumonia
Bob Holtz ( father in law of Katie Holtz) he has lung cancer- peace and strength for the family

Betty Hardy (Virginia Elders’ sister). She is in ICU at Jefferson Mercy, has pneumonia brought on by Covid 19.
St. Paul’s staff & students- for health and well being.