Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Dave Reese, he is in the hospital with intestinal issues.
Ian ( Jamie’s young nephew)surgery today for broken jaw and chin from a bike wreck.
Jeri Faircloth ( Amy Lix step mom) battling COVID-19

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Sally Shinn and her family with the passing of her mother Pat O’brien .
Janet ( Eaton) Williams (fr of Carol Faircloth) drawing close to being called to her heavenly Father.

Prayers & Praises …

Please continue to pray for:
Wrenley Faye Lee – Lana Detring’s  baby girl : for strength ( for both)  and development as she will be hospitalized for a while.

Marline Stough so she  can get off of the oxygen support line and non-invasive ventilator, and that her pneumonia heals quickly,
Praise and Thanksgiving for all 5 family members of Carolyn Schifferdecker’ as  they have  all recovered from covid in Iowa and are doing good.

Prayer Request

Please pray for:
Sharon Sloan (Regina Lee’s sister) she is going back to South Brook from the hospital,she needs comfort and strength.
Update on Noah Kohut
Praise God! Noah is home and had a good night. He will have some recovery but with a wonderful God and great team of doctors caring for him. Noah’s family is so grateful for all the prayers and support. God is good!!!

Please Continue to pray for Healing and recovery of :
Ron Garner
Liz Frazier
Tim Crites
Carolyn Keith

Greetings from Noah Kohut!

He is doing a little better everyday. They took him completely off fluids this morning. He is eating and drinking. The physical therapist walked with him an entire lap around the floor and he even walked up and down a flight of steps unassisted!! He has been playing with Legos and is in a good mood today. Everyone has told us that as long as everything keeps progressing as it has he may get to go home today.

This boy is truly a walking miracle. All of the doctors and nurses keep telling us how amazed they are with his progress given his accident and his injuries. Thank you God for answered prayers and being with us during this time. And thank you Pastor and our church family for the thoughts and prayers, we can’t thank you enough. 🙏🏻😊