Prayer Request

Please continue to pray for:

  • Jean Wideman, her surgery went well, but she will need to  have chemotherapy  treatment.
    Vickie Gallagher issues was resolved without surgery, she is  feeling much better.
    Will Carter’s elbow was not broken, no surgery needed  a cast on his arm.

Prayer Request

Please pray for the family of Weston Miller( Karen Detring’s Nephew) son of Larry & Sandy Miller, he passed away suddenly. He was a young man with a wife and kids. Arrangements are pending.

Message from Pastor!

Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ!
This coming weekend (May 16 & 17)  we will resume public worship in our sanctuary and gym.  We look forward to gathering together to receive our Lord’s saving Word and Sacraments!  At the same time, we want to observe the best practices being recommended by our LCMS Missouri District and by local health officials.  To that end, in addition to our two Saturday services at 4:45 (in the gym) and 6:00 p.m. (in the sanctuary), we are going to have TWO SUNDAY SERVICES at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.  (in the sanctuary).  This temporary schedule change (which will be re-evaluated after four weeks)  is intended to allow for greater space between worshippers at each service.  Thanks for your flexibility and patience.  Please keep the following points in mind:
1)  When you attend, please have your family unit sit at least six feet (in all directions) from other worshipers. Please find a place in open sections of the sanctuary (even if it may not be your favorite pew!)
2)  There will be no hymnals in the pews.  The order of service will be printed out and also projected on our screens.
3)  If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, please refrain from attending.
4)  Communion will be received by family units coming down the center aisle to receive the wafer and individual cup (without kneeling at the rails).  Pastor and elders will wash hands appropriately.
5)  Pastor’s Bible class and children’s Sunday School will not meet.  Other Bible classes MAY choose to meet.  (Contact your class leader).
6)  Service videos will continue to be posted on-line.
7)  Older members and those with health difficulties are urged to exercise extreme caution.  Refraining from attending might be the best decision.  Pastor and elders will be glad to arrange individual communion for anyone who so desires.
8)  If you are aware of people who do not have internet, or who rarely check email, texts, or our church website, please reach out to them and share this information.
Please remember that these changes are TEMPORARY and will be re-evaluated by pastor and elders next month.  We ask for your continued patience, understanding, and flexibility during these unusual times.
May our gracious God keep you in his special care! Pastor Constien

Worship Schedule

St Paul Lutheran Church is excited to be able to resume worshiping together this weekend. Beginning Saturday, May 16 the worship schedule will be as outlined below. In order to maintain proper social distancing an additional service is now being offered. As we navigate recommended health guidelines please remember to practice social distancing and to stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms.

Live streaming of the worship service will be available on Facebook for those who are home bound or continuing to shelter in place.
Saturday 4:45-school gym  & 6:00pm- church
Sunday 8:00am & 10:00am – church
Communion will be at all services. Sunday School will not resume