Prayer Request

Please pray for Brenda Jordan. Today she receives her port for chemotherapy which she’ll start next week. She was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. We pray for courage, strength for Brenda and her family.

Prayer of thanksgiving. Evan Williams is home and progressing.


Prayer Request

Please pray Jordan a Wash U student and friend of Leslie Jones. Jordan is attempting to return to Israel today via Athens accompanied by 83 year old grandmother. Pray for safety and the end of the evil violence.

Prayer Request

Please pray for Tom Masterson (fr of Tammy Degroot) he is in the hospital, had a stroke, his mother is also in the hospital. Please pray for healing,  continued strength and comfort for Tom & Mary (wife)

Prayer Request

Please pray for :
Bill Bess, he will be having a “Valve-in-Valve” heart procedure on 10/20. Pray for a successful procedure and quick recovery
Evan Williams he is still in the hospital and will be there a while. Pray for continue healing and strength.
Lorene Crismon, she is weak but  recovering from a fall. pray for healing and continued strength