Prayer Request

Please be praying for Emma Johnson( Janet Rickus granddaughter)  she was in a wreck and air lifted to the hospital yesterday evening. She has two breaks in her left arm, a fractured pelvis and a small fracture by her right eye and some road rash on her hip.

Prayer Request!

Please be praying for:

Taylor Schwartzkopf will have surgery on her knee this week.

Jill Kohut as she is preparing for the arrival of baby #3.

Bess family in your prayers with the passing of the Donna L. Bess (The mother of William Bess)

The family and friends of Kim Allen


Prayer Request

Torya Pritchett, who relocated to Texas and was a former member of the church, is currently fighting lung cancer and would appreciate support via prayer from St. Paul it  would mean a lot to her . Please pray for her healing and strength.