Prayer Request

Please be pray for :

Jeff Fink he will have surgery on Thursday.

Joe Pritchett  he will have surgery on Thursday.

Kim Allen is taking chemotherapy

Vic & Donna Vogelsang’s family with the passing of their Aunt

Pastor King call up-date..

Dear Brothers and Sisters of St. Paul,As many of you already know, I announced this past Sunday that I have accepted the Call to Immanuel Lutheran Church in Gaylord, Minnesota. My last Sunday here at St. Paul will be October 4. Plans are for me to move to Gaylord around October 12. Michelle and the girls will be staying in Farmington for the remainder of the school year. As I make plans to move I would ask for your continued prayers. I would also like to ask if anyone has a “box trailer” that I could use to move up to Gaylord? I would need it for about 10 days from October 9 through October 19. If you have one of know someone who does please share this information with them and have them contact me at, the church office, 573-756-7872, or on my cell phone at 573-631-1134.I have come to cherish St. Paul Lutheran Church and School and all God’s people here whom I have loved and served for over 15 years. Pastoral vacancies provide unique challenges to congregations, and I hope that you will join me in asking God to provide you with a new pastor who will serve faithfully in the future.

In His Service,Pastor King

Prayer Requests:

Special prayers for Kim Allen and family asking for encouragement and strength to keep up the fight.

Prayers are also requested for Dale Link Sr. (the father-in-law of Jamie Link) who was severly burned in a brush fire.  He is awaiting surgery at Mercy
Burn Unit, in St. Louis.  And his wife, Donna Link, who is recovering from gall bladder surgery, and is dealing with a case of shingles.

Tookie Rickus has been moved to Camelot Rm. #71 for anyone who would like to send cards.

Prayer Request

Jeanne Province has requested prayers for her sister, Ruth Ann who is very sick and undergoing tests at St. Johns; for her cousin’s grandson Braxton Groves, who is 5 years old and sees a doctor once a week for bloodwork; and for Bud Norman’s mother-in-law, Martha, who is very ill while taking chemo at St. Johns.

Prayer Request

Please pray for :

Tookie Rickus peace as she is on hospice care.

Jacob Cluver ( Gary & Lillie Cooper’s Nephew) in the hospital with a concision from football practice.

Kim Allen for strength and healing