Meeting Date/Time: 04/18/2017
Darlene McWilliams, JoAnn Henderson, , Margie Tedder,Nancy Krekeler, Anna Garner
Mary Ellen Fitzgerald, Sharon Sherrill, Marlys Brockmiller
Old Business:
Thank You received for the invitations to the 50th Anniversary:
Jerry & Linda Roberts
Bob & Sue Heimberger
New Business:
Bake Sale and treasure chest brought in $345.00 for SPLHS
Easter Breakfast went wellCradle roll packets opened and discussed. We like the packet with baptism book added. JoAnn will take this to Pastor and Church Council as we would like to purchase this
Quilts will be given to the high school graduates on May 7th
July 30th is LWML 75th anniversary and we will host a pot luck with all Iron Mnt zone
confirmation blessing cards addressed