November Minute 2014-Christian Studies

Meeting Date/Time: 11/18/2014


Leslie Jones, Heather , Heaven Mueller, Cathy Jarvis, Eileen Jones, Kim Weakley, Miriam Sutherland


Hunter Weakley


Old Business:

  • Heaven will check with Mrs. Fink on practice dates. The dates will be put in on the communication track here.
    Sun. School- will only miss 2 lessons. Start new year with new set of materials.
    Keep Easter at Easter.
    Pin program will be typed by Cathy Jarvis the original program was lost in the computer. S. school program Dec. 21 at 10:30. We will make angel Snowmen soup for the Youth Group to assemble. Dec 14.
    Dec. 16 is the next board meeting . Council will be right after that.

  • Youth Group- Nov. 21 Bon fire & movies at St. Paul ball field.
    Dec. 6 lock in Laura Raymer
    Dec. 14 Christmas Party at school
    Working on a schedule and routine.

New Business:

  • Proposed Action team not boards, people able to plug in and out of committees.
    Heather Kurtz volunteered to take over for Eileen Jones as Chairman of Christian Studies.
    Eileen Jones will be the Congregational Secretary .

  • Youth group:
    Dec. 6 lock in Laura Raymer
    Dec. 14 Christmas Party at school
    Working on a schedule and routine

  • VBS- picked out kits for the summer.
    Heaven will compile information form the policies from Lutheran churches and public schools to address background checks.
    We will go to church council to address case by case issue.


  • motion was made for Heather Kurtz to be Chairman - passed.