November Minutes 2014- Outreach

Meeting Date/Time: 11/18/2014


Janet Laut, Julie Powers


Kyle McDowell, Bethany Sherrill, Greg Shinn


Old Business:

  • Nov. 15 Family Fun Night didn't happen rescheduled for Jan 17th.
    Movie night 6:30 movie
    Chili Dinner 4-6:30
    * Scouts ?? Jeff
    * DC kids- Michelle, Tami, Jamie??
    Chili/ program & Soda

New Business:

  • Friday Feb. 20th if available
    - Byo bottle of wine
    - Light snacks
    -$15 per couples
    - Entertainment- live music? Couple questions like new heights ?

  • March -TBA
    Recognize and honor police officers and firefighters.
    April- Easter
    May 16- Armed Forces Day

  • Need to know from the survey who could do contacts foe visitors for follow ups.
    Who can be the person to do the "Adult Confirmation church partner" program. One year of regular follow up to see if new confirmads is attending services, has question, bible studies, special events( picnic, advent by candlelight ect... meeting with other members ect....
