November Minutes 2015- Christian Studies

Meeting Date/Time: 11/17/2015


Heather Kurtz, Leslie Jones, Eileen Jones, Cathy Jarvis


Miriam Sutherland, Jamie MOntogmery


Old Business:

New Business:

  • Sunday School Program ; Mrs. Fink & Mrs. King both declined to do the program
    Daniel Best & Heather Kurtz will help out, with Practice . SS kids will red the bible story , sing lead the congregation.

  • Dec. 6& 13 practice during the Sunday schoolo
    Dec 20 performance at church
    Dec 19 10:30-12:00 Pizza & soda for lunch
    Heather arranged sound equipment with Andy Sherrill

  • Angel Soup Heather is taking care of ingredients and bags.
    Cost is taken care of for this project,
    Heather will put this together and will be ready for the Dec. 20th service

  • Dec 24th 7:00 p service Jr. Youth will usher
    Dec 24th 10:00 p service Sr Youth will usher
    Jr. & Sr. Youth were invited to severe at Advent by candlelight

  • Youth group:
    Nov7th Bonfire was success 10-12 participants @ Krekeler's Several new attendance.
    Casting Crowns concert is coming up.
    Senior Youth group only has 3-5 regularly

  • VBS - No report
    Ols Buisness- No report

  • Sunday School Materials in closet needs to be straightened up.
    We need totes- and labels
    Straighten library in church and redo the blue bags
