Prayer Request

Dear extended family of St. Paul Lutheran Church

Mrs. Bishop has been at Barnes Hospital for a couple of weeks now battling some complications from Hodgkin Lymphoma. Her kidneys are not working correctly and so the doctors have put her on dialysis a few times a week and she is ready for her second chemo treatment this weekend. Her children are sitting with her daily and taking care of her house in the evenings. She cannot have flowers or plants because she is in the Siteman part of the hospital, but she can read cards. If you can find a time to write her a note or send a card this would bring a smile to her face, we are sure!! Any cards send to the school will be given to her children to take to her. Most of all she needs prayer, for comfort and healing – especially that her kidneys would start working correctly again. Thank you in advance for your thoughts and prayers for Mrs. Bishop.