Meeting Date/Time: 03/15/2016
Pastor Rick, Mr. G. , Seth Pegram, Bethany Petty, Mrs. Johnson, Elizabeth Jordan, Sally Shin, Jenny Schweiss, Heather Hawkins, Bobbi Karraker
Old Business:
Minutes from previous meeting
New Business:
Triple C A. Still need 2 more members
Athletics - April 10 Service
A. 9:00 Service with brunch
B. Elders supporting scholarship for Church members - tie in with the Athletic Church serviceFaculty Input
A. Mrs. Woodson is interested in going to Washington DC with 8th graders as the school representative
1. Todd Valhalla sponsors this trip
2. 7th graders want to go
3. Costs $960/personSchool Accounting
A. School operating budget 1. 53,063.37
B. Auction funds 1. 27,866.88
C. Cafeteria Report
1. 13,439.26
2. Making money!
3. Think about products to purchase for next yearPrincipal’s Report
A. Enrollment
1. 264 as of now
2. FACS for tuition assistance (due March 30) a) Remind families that tuition payments can be spread over 12 months
3. Sally suggested having another meeting to go over budgeting information, Foundation, etc a) Just ONE evening
4. If families are having trouble financially, or are on the fence about enrollment, Mr. G. would like to speak with themCalendar updates
1. Easter break - Wednesday through Monday
2. Graduation May 19; last day May 20 CC. C I N N A M O N R O L L S - $ 9 0 0 !
D. Achievement Testing - Week of April 11
E. Math Curriculum
1. Mrs. Allen ordered samples
2. Teachers were not impressed
3. Difficult to find curriculum that is not Common Core
4. IXL possibility
5. Continue using current textbooks IX. Old BusinessA. Accreditation Process - Board Evaluation Manual
1. Bethany - secretary
2. Vice Chair
3. Board Self - EvaluationB. Call Process 1. Mr. G talked to Mr. Picklemann after the voter’s meeting; he will try to set up a time to visit during the school day
RIF policy
a) Jenny and two Elders met with Mr. G and Pastor Rick
b) Changes were suggested - those changes will be sent to members of the Board of Ed and the Board of Elders
(1)Policy will then be sent to the voters assemblyA. 2016-2017 Budget
1. Base salary?
2. School covers everything besides the principal’s salary (in Pastor Rick’s experience)
3. Foundation has raised $73,000 … close to $150,000 after all
4. Pastor Rick a) Talked with Elders about making sure tuition assistance is available for member families
b) ENCOURAGE member families to apply!
c) April 10 (
1)Service supporting athletics
(2)Have envelopes available and encourageAdjourn to Executive
Executive Session
A. Executive care-taking scholarship
1. Unanimous decision XIIINext Meeting A. April 19
Motion to approve Mrs. Woodson as a St. Paul Sponsor - passed
Motion for Heather Hawkins to be vice chair- passed